.Forecast workload / availability! v1.9.7

.Forecast workload / availability! v1.9.7

Forecast workload / availability in order to take measures as early as possible:

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Review assignments for your team(s) and solve conflicts as team. Go to the Assignment Board.

1: Create filters for all resources and specific teams as learned before. Keep in mind that you need to create an assignment first to see a project or resource in the filter selection boxes.

(Warnung) Learn more about creating filters for projects and resources.

2: Select Resources View

3: Moe Grammer got under load in calendar week 18, this is indicated by a light red color

4: Identify overload (by color): Moe Grammer has overload (red), Disy Duck has some underload (yellow) in our example.

5: The assignments for Charly, Disy and Tina will end in calendar week 28 

6: Robert is in the assignment list, but has no underlying capacity

Switch to Resources > Projects → view.

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Use the information to discuss overload e.g. with Co-Team Leaders and Resource Managers.

1: Identify fragmented assignments for a team member. Moe is planned to work on 4 Projects in parallel

2: Try to concentrate assignments by project and / or by period. In our example Daisy can take over the tasks of Moe.

3: Find new tasks for under load team members like Moe as of calendar week 25 in our example.