Analytics (Reports)

Analytics (Reports)

The Analytics Reports provide the means  to monitor Capacities, Absences and Assignments and to further optimize especially the latter. Currently there is one Report with two Views which have the similar structure as the respective Assignment Planning views.

Enhanced configuration settings for Analytics with version 1.4.12: read more here:

  1. Amount of displayed calendar weeks can be configured which has a positive impact on performance.
  2. An offset of displayed weeks is configurable - as usually the past weeks are of interest for users of the Analytics Board.

Planned Assignment vs. logged Work

The report shows the Assignment durations versa the logged worked (JIRA standard work protocols).

(Click to enlarge)

1: List of available Project & Resource Filters which can be used for the Assignment Board and Analytics view. Filters can be created, changed and applied similar to the operative views.

2 / 6: Select different analysis information levels for the view:

  1. Planned Assignment durations per Project / Resource / Calendar Week
  2. Actual logged work per Project / Resource / Calendar Week
  3. Difference between 1. and 2. (- background is colored due to degree of difference - see configuration).
  4. Aggregated values on either Project or Resource level depending on the selected view.

3: Toggle between Plan and Analytics view for the selected filter.

4: Scroll through Calendar Weeks or select one to control the Starting Date of the Board.

5: Toggles the different view options (as described for Plan view):

  1. Projects > Ressources
  2. Ressources > Projects
  3. Ressources

(Click to enlarge)