Quick-Start for JIRA Board Integration

Quick-Start for JIRA Board Integration

To become acquainted with the Resource Management Plugin please follow these first steps.

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Our first goal is to create a team and define some capacity for the team members.

1: Go to Capacity Board.

2: Create a new filter.

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1: Select team members for this team in the popup dialog.

2: Think of a name for this filter, e.g. 'All internal ressources'

3: Save the filter.

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Create a capacity entry for a team member* with the Create Capacity wizard (with extend filter option).

1: Select one or more ressources.

2: Ensure 'extend filter' option is set (If the selected ressource is not in the filter selection it will be added by this option).

3: Save the entries.

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Imagine your team members planned vacation or there are some public holidays. Absence time can be entered in the Absence board.

1: Go to Absence Board.

2: Create absence entries for the same team member(s)* directly in the board.
(When classification of absences is enabled, it is not possible to directly enter values through the board.
If one would do this, the classifications would be overwritten and the information on daily base would be lost.)

(Warnung) There are also a wizards available (Create public holiday supports by importing and creating absence time for holidays).

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Now let's do some planning for our new team. Please go to a existing or new created JIRA Board. Select 'Resources' in the board menu.

(Warnung) Visibility of Resource Management link and permissions to edit the plannings can be configured in JIRA Permission Schemes for projects with roles. 

(Warnung) Tasks should be assigned to some of the users.

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The issues will be analyzed and the list of resources for the filter is updated by adding users that are assigned to issues automatically.

(Warnung) If the 'hide-0-rows' switch is on (green) the new users might be hidden but there will be a warning messages in those cases.

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Now you can plan time for the resources for the project of the board directly wthin the board. You can see the availability of each resource per week as small figure.

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Go to the global Assignment Board. A new filter was created and updated automatically. The filter is also automatically published and available for other users of the global assignment board.

(Warnung) There are also default and public filters available. Learn more about creating filters for projects and resources.

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Please go back to the JIRA Board. Finally we can export our plan to an MS Excel sheet.

  1. Click on Export.
  2. Select a Timeframe for the Export, the default is the timeframe you see in the board.
  3. Click Export.

(Haken) Congratulations! You finalized our quick start tour for JIRA board integration! You could continue here.