

Quickstart and Highlights

Do an immediate quick start by following these guides:

  1. Your first steps with JIRA Board Integration...
  2. Quick-Start for JIRA Board Integration!
  3. A Quick-Start and Walk-Through.
  4. Keep avaliability up to date in order to have a base for sound planning!
  5. Plan project assignments ahead with foresight even if you don't have estimates!
  6. Plan statistical demand to ensure realistic assignments for all team members!
  7. Optimize assignment and solve conflicts as team!
  8. Ensure continuous feedback regarding planned vs. actual work!
  9. Ensure complete time recording!
  10. Create transparency for customers & stakeholders!
  11. Forecast workload / availability in order to take measures as early as possible!
  12. Plan your sprints with smart estimates! 


The current Version of the JIRA Resource Management AddOn (RM AddOn) consists of three major functional Components (plus the Configuration):

Capacity BoardThe Capacity Board shows the Capacities which are basically available for each Resource per Time Unit.
Absence BoardThe Absence Board shows the Duration each Resource is absent per Time Unit (e.g. Holidays).
Label BoardAdd resources or projects as free text to plan additionally to or instead of JIRA users and projects
Assignment BoardThe Assignment Board shows which Resources are assigned to each Project with what Duration.


The following roles are used for the comprehensive definition of Processes and Functional Requirements.

(Warnung) Permissions to access and view the capacity, absence and assignment board can be defined in the plugin configuration.

Resourcen Manager (RM)

Comprehensive Capacity Planning, Assignment Planning and Optimization of Resources.

Project Manager (PM)

Assignment Planning and Optimization of Resources for own Projects and Resolution of Conflicts.

Team Lead (TL)

Capacity Planning and Optimization of Resources for own Team.

Team member / Resource (RE)

Execution of Assignments with respect to planned Timeframes and Durations.

Time Units

Resolution, Unit, Basic Value and Number of Decimal Places are Parameters important to many different Aspects of the RM AddOn. All Durations (Capacity, Absence, Assignments) are persisted with a Resolution of Days (i.e. for a specific Date) and the RM AddOn is prepared to allow respective Configuration depending on future Requirements. Though currently only the following Setting of these Parameters is used in the User Interface :

ResolutionCalendar (Weeks)
Basic Value1 (Hour)
Decimal Places0