.Versions & Release notes v1.8.0

.Versions & Release notes v1.8.0

eLinks to all available documentation:

LinkVersionRelease notes
AIM Resource Management for JIRA Documentation 1.21.2.x

First version

AIM Resource Management for JIRA Documentation 1.3   1.3.x

Added Features:

  1. Default Filter: My Assignments / My Projects
  2. Share filters with your team and subscribe to filters

Some minor UI changes and fixes: e.g. creation of filters on MSSQL Server

Compatibility with JIRA DataCenter


Added feature: Plan your sprints with smart estimates!

Fixes (especially for database MySql)

New quickstart introduction

1.4.5Minor fix in agile board integration

Localization for Resource Management Boards and date pickers was improved.

  1. Configuration from JIRA advanced settings for date pickers is now reflected for RM boards and date pickers
  2. ISO8601 setting in JIRA configuration (look & feel) is reflected for RM boards and date pickers.

New MS Excel export for the resource views on the Assignment Board! The selected view is now reflected for export.

Sprint planning popup can handle more than 50 stories / subtasks in a sprint


Fixes for localization improvements (ISO8601 setting)

Estimate Popup can identify a project by key or name in queries of the JIRA Agile Board

Success info messages are limited for entries of wizards (not anymore for each board entry)

1.4.9Fixes for JIRA Agile Board project queries and assignments: Agile Planning Popup can identify a project by key or name in queries of the JIRA Agile Board

Support for JIRA 7.2.1


  1. Filter Popup: Users and projects can be shifted between 'available' and 'selected' by double clicking on their name
  2. Board entries are marked on click and can be edited / deleted directly

UI enhancements for Analytics Board:

  1. Amount of displayed calendar weeks can be configured which has a positive impact on performance.
  2. An offset of displayed weeks is configurable as usually the past weeks are of interest for users of the Analytics Board.

Some fixes and UI improvements:

  1. Improved readability of numbers in the resources list of the Assignment Board
  2. Fixed 'Invalid date' issues in date pickers
  3. Improved handling of large amounts of sprints in estimate popup
1.4.13Fixed issue for entries in the Capacity Board: In some cases capacity couldn't be edited after entry.
AIM Resource Management for JIRA Documentation - Latest Documentation1.5.5

Major release features:

  1. Support of mass entries: multiple resource selection in capacity and absence wizards
  2. Import and create public holidays easily: New Create Public Holiday wizard
  3. Easy creation of similar assignment board entries: Create another assignment with similar context (toggle)
  4. Zero assignments can be hidden in the Assignment Board for a better visibility (toggle)
  5. All capacity and absence entries for a resource can be deleted now
  6. Estimate vs Assigned popup contains a new column for original estimates
  7. Each user can give us feedback or raise support requests easily now ('provide feedback' button on the right of the screen)

  1. Fixed issue with saving dates in combination with JIRA ISO settings
  2. Some minor bug fixes
  3. Estimate pop up: Field 'difference' renamed to 'deviation' and formula is shown on mouse over
  4. Assigned issues can be shown in the estimate pop up for each assignee


An Issue where dates in a specific configuration could not be converted correctly has prevented some user from using the popup wizards. where a rare JS error appeared in the agile board integration.

  1. New Permission configuration using standard JIRA Global Permission / Permission Schemes
  2. Capacity and absence wizard entries are taken over for all users in the filter if no specific user is selected
  3. Some enhancements for Estimate Popup
  4. Fixed rare date picker errors
  5. Solved conflict with simplewiki plugin
  6. Fixed create assignment issue where not enough capacity was shown
  7. Fixed issue with wrong content in filters 'My Assignments' and 'My Projects'
  8. Beta Feature: JIRA Board Integration > directly open the Assignment Board for the project in your board (can be enabled for testing in the Plugin configuration) - please upgrade to version 1.5.18 to use this feature bug where oracle db threw a duplicate index exception

  1. Directly access Resource Management from a JIRA Board, read more here.
  2. Set view or edit permissions on project level for the JIRA Board integration
  3. Some minor fixes

1.5.21 - 1.5.37Fixes and performance tuning with text label objects in addition or instead of Jira users and projects


  1. Jira 8 compatibility
  2. Performance improvements of all create dialogs and for the boards
  3. Minor usability improvements (e.g. error messages / validation)


jira-rp-1.7.7-SNAPSHOT-579 - Portfolio Integration Beta

jira-rp- - Portfolio Integration Beta

portfolio-resource-management-extension-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT - Portfolio Plugin Extension Beta


  • Introduction of Team Labels (create/delete via Label Board)
  • Transfer of Team Labels with resources as Portfolio Shared Teams (available with Portfolio for Jira extension for AIM's Resource Management App)
  • German translation
  • Fix compatibility with Jira 7 and Jira 8
  • Performance improvements of the Estimates vs. planned assignments dialog on Active Sprint and Backlog view

jira-rp-1.8.3 with Portfolio Integration

portfolio-resource-management-extension-1.0.1-SNAPSHOT - Portfolio Plugin Extension Beta


  • Fix a bug when updating from a version prior to 1.8.x
  • Fix uncoupling from Portfolio Shared Team when renaming a Team Label
  • Fix not always showing the coupling status of a Team with a Portfolio Shared Team
  • Fix warning about uncoupled Team not showing when after deletion of a Portfolio Shared Team


  • Add feature toggle to enable/disabled uncoupling of teams from Portfolio Shared Teams on the assignments board team menu


  • Improve search fields for project and resource fields to allow searching for project- and user-keys
  • Fix showing newly added resources on resources board multiple times
  • Fix showing already added resource on resources board as newly added
  • Fix database error when removing resources from a project
  • Fix showing already added projects and resources in filter dialogs select fields


  • Development Version with trace output for extended debugging
  • Fix incompatibility with Oracle DB


  • new organized UI
  • enhanced Filter logic
  • fixed remove project and resource labels


  • bugfix for Oracle based db access
  • tracing for portfolio API

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