1: Default capacities for ressources (for Creation of Capacities)
2: Global configuration - Label and calendar configuration of Jira users and Jira projects
- Show the name, the key or both in all boards and wizards
- Define a pattern to use in our calendar widget. This also defines how the date in the Board headers is formatted.
- Date picker configuration of create dialogs, see documentation of possible settings: http://api.jqueryui.com/datepicker/#utility-formatDate
3: Default configuration for timeline of Assignment and Analytics Boards:
- Weeks to display: Number of displayed calender weeks on Assignment Board
- Analytics weeks to display: Number of displayed calender weeks on Analytics Board (use less weeks to improve performance on bigger Boards)
- Analytics timeline offset: Offset that shifts the displayed timeline to the past (as usually the past weeks are of interest for users of the Analytics Board).
Example: If you configure 4 weeks to display and -3 as offset, the current week is the starting point for the Analytics view.
4 + 5: Assignment and Analytics Board Colors and Thresholds (set colors and thresholds for the marker colors in the assignment board)
6: Feature Toggles. The features are described below.
7: Labeled Content. If you want to use your own labeled content fur users or projects.
8: Configure Managed users:
9: Export activity log to MS Excel for each Board
10: Cleanup timezones in DB, this will only be requested by our support team, so please don't use it on your own.
JIRA Board Integration can be switched on and off, default setting is on.