Versionen im Vergleich


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The Capacity Board provides all required Functions to check, create and edit the Capacity of Resources - e.g. fulltime for Employees or part-time for Freelancers. The Board covers the number of Calender Weeks determined by the Plugin Configuration & Permissions beginning with the selected Calendar Week. It shows the Capacity Duration (Working Hours) per Calender Week (horizontal axis) available for the Ressources (vertical axis) selected by the current Resource Filter.

(Click to enlarge)

1: List of available Resource Filters which can be used for the Capacity and Absence Board.

2: Create new Resource Filters which can be used for the Capacity and Absence Board.

3: Invoke Popup to edit currently selected Resource Filter.

4: Scroll through Calendar Weeks or select one to control the Starting Date of the Board.

5: Actual Board which shows / allows to edit the Capacity for each Resources / Calendar Week.

6: Invoke Popup to create new Capacity for a single Resource for arbitrary Timeframes.

7: Export selected Filter Content (ressources and capacity) to MS Excel.
