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Localization for Resource Management Boards and date pickers was improved wth version 1.4.8.

  1. Configuration from JIRA advanced settings for date pickers is reflected for the date pickers used by the RM plugin
  2. ISO8601 setting in JIRA configuration (look & feel) is reflected for RM boards and date pickers used by the RM plugin


After upgrading or re-installing the Plug-In with the Universal Update Manager in Jira, the plugin does not get activated any more.

Every attempt to activate the plug-in fails.


In most cases, this happens when the the OSGI Cach of JIRA got corrupted for some reason. This happens from time to time, and is not related to the plug-in itself. According to Atlassian, there is only one solution to solve this:

You will have to delete the plug-in cache of the OSGI system, to let the cache be re-generated at system startup.

To do so, perform the following steps:

a) Cleanup the plug-in cache:

Excerpt from the Atlassian Docs:

  • Shut down JIRA
  • Delete the following hidden plugin cache directories:
  • JIRA_HOME/plugins/.bundled-plugins
  • JIRA_HOME/plugins/.osgi-plugins

b) Check the installed plug-ins directory

Check if the JIRA_HOME/plugins/installed-plugins dir does only contain one version ending on ‚jira-rp’.

Image Removed

If there are more than one plug-ins with that ending, delete the older one(s).

c) Restart JIRA (These directories will be recreated on JIRA reboot with new plugin cache) 

After the restart, the plug-in should successfully be activated. 
